【Science Bulletin】2022年第2期
Science Bulletin 2022年第2期
This cover image illustrates the schematic of the 25Mg(p, γ)26Al reaction. The γ-ray emitted by this reaction was measured by JUNA facility in Jinping Mountain. The cosmic 1.809 MeV γ-ray emitted by the product 26Al was observed by the satellite (see the article by Jun Su et al. on page 125).
Sci. Bull., 2022, 67(2): 111-112
The deeper the better—Scientists explore the Universe from inside of a mountain
Sci. Bull., 2022, 67(2): 114-116
Ultrasoft, mass-permeable, and low-impedance hydrogels for tissue-like skin-device interfaces
龚齐备, 胡又凡
Sci. Bull., 2022, 67(2): 117-118
Non-genomic action of juvenile hormone modulates the synthesis of 20-hydroxyecdysone in Drosophila
Sci. Bull., 2022, 67(2): 119-121
Significance of a highly refractory source during subduction initiation to form the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc
Scott A. Whattam, Robert J. Stern
Earth Sciences
Sci. Bull., 2022, 67(2): 122-124
Enhanced sulfate consumption fueled by deep-sourced methane in a hydrate-bearing area
胡钰, 章馨心, 冯东, Jörn Peckmann, 冯俊熙, 王宏斌, 杨胜雄, 陈多福
Physical Sciences
Sci. Bull., 2022, 67(2): 125-132
First result from the Jinping Underground Nuclear Astrophysicsexperiment JUNA: precise measurement of the 92 keV 25Mg(p,γ)26Al resonance
锦屏深地核天体物理实验(JUNA)的首个结果: 25Mg(p, γ)26Al反应92 keV共振的精确测量
苏俊, 张昊, 李志宏, Paolo Ventura, 李云居, 李二涛, 陈晨, 谌阳平, 连钢, 郭冰, 李鑫悦, 张立勇, 何建军, 盛耀德, 陈银吉, 王泺欢, 张龙, 曹富强, 南巍, 南威克, 李歌星, 宋娜, 崔保群, 陈立华, 马瑞刚, 张智程, 焦韬瑜, 高丙水, 唐晓东, 吴启, 李家庆, 孙良亭, 王硕, 颜胜权, 廖俊辉, 王友宝,曾晟, 南丁, 樊启文, 祁宁春, 孙文良, 郭绪元, 张鹏, 陈云华, 周永, 周济芳, 何金荣, 商长松, 李名川, 程建平, 柳卫平, 锦屏深地核天体物理合作组
Sci. Bull., 2022, 67(2): 133-140
Non-spreading Bessel spatiotemporal optical vortices
曹前, 陈建, 陆柯银, 万辰皓, 郑震洧, 詹其文
Sci. Bull., 2022, 67(2): 141-150
1,3-Dimethyl-2-imidazolidinone: an ideal electrolyte solvent for high-performance Li–O2 battery with pretreated Li anode
1,3-二甲基咪唑啉酮: 一种理想的溶剂用于含预处理负极的高性能锂氧气电池
黄志梅, 孟锦涛, 张旺, 沈越, 黄云辉
Sci. Bull., 2022, 67(2): 151-160
Confining ultrafine SnS nanoparticles in hollow multichannel carbon nanofibers for boosting potassium storage properties
贺雅楠, 徐一帆, 张敏, 徐建智, 陈冰冰, 张郁萱, 包建春, 周小四
Sci. Bull., 2022, 67(2): 161-170
All-climate aqueous Na-ion batteries using “water-in-salt” electrolyte
张宇, 徐杰, 李智, 王艳荣, 王斯佳, 董晓丽, 王永刚
Sci. Bull., 2022, 67(2): 171-177
Intrinsically inert hyperbranched interlayer for enhanced stability of organic solar cells
荔雅文, 李腾飞, 王嘉宇, 占肖卫, 林禹泽
Sci. Bull., 2022, 67(2): 178-185
All-vacuum fabrication of yellow perovskite light-emitting diodes
李京徽, 杨龙波, 郭庆勋, 杜培培, 王亮, 赵雪, 刘念, 杨许可, 罗家俊, 唐江
Life Sciences
Sci. Bull., 2022, 67(2): 186-197
Juvenile hormone membrane signaling phosphorylates USP and thus potentiates 20-hydroxyecdysone action in Drosophila
高月, 刘素宁, 贾强强, 武丽仙, 袁冬伟, Emma Y. Li, 冯启理, 王桂荣, Subba R. Palli, Jian Wang, 李胜
Sci. Bull., 2022, 67(2): 198-212
A novel copper-sensing two-component system for inducing Dsb gene expression in bacteria
余梁, 曹荞, 陈未中, 杨娜娜, 杨财广, 季泉江, 吴敏, Taeok Bae, 蓝乐夫
Earth Sciences
Sci. Bull., 2022, 67(2): 213-222
Asymmetrical response of summer rainfall in East Asia to CO2 forcing
Se-Yong Song, Sang-Wook Yeh, Soon-Il An, Jong-Seong Kug, Seung-Ki Min, Seok-Woo Son, Jongsoo Shin